Fanclub Affiliates

*Note: This page was made voluntarily by the creators. So DO NOT DEMAND OR DICTATE us what fan clubs to put or ask us to include your fan clubs here. No offense. Let's just try to be fair. There are certain reasons why we made this. For Philippine fan club, an admin has a connection between the fanbase and OORfu. Thank you for understanding. =)

One Ok Rock (Philippine Fan Club)
Admins: Darklore Cathode
Admins: Darklore Cathode, Kenryoku, Sputnik Koibito, Rei
Facebook (Group)
Admins: Darklore Cathode

One Ok Rock Indonesian Fan Club
Admins: Kyo, チェズ, Ansaizunui, Micoyy, Yan, Nekonyan
Admins: Kyo, チェズ, Nii Annisa, Nekonyan
Admins: Micoyy, Nekonyan, Yan, Dimasfrmnsyh 

One Ok Rock Spain Fan Club
News witter: Noechiisa
Admin: Noechiisa
Admin: Noechiisa

One Ok Rock Hungarian Fan Club
Admins: Mana, Nona
Admins: Mana, Nona

One Ok Rock French Street Team 
Admins: Etsuko, Misaki